A Momentary Lapse of Simplicity


A Momentary Lapse of Simplicity


733 円 (税抜き)

If there's no god, then where did everything come from? In this book, we develop a simple and rational explanation for the reality around us, by following and admiring the progress made by scientists through the ages. Exactly what is matter? Was the universe really born of a cosmic egg, as the Belgian Priest Lema?tre said in 1927? If so, where did that egg come from? How did life itself originate? Is there any difference between life and non-life? What is time, and does it even exist? As we study this history, a rather famous figure is resurrected to act as our guide. Albert Einstein, to be exact. The author, however, eventually finds out that science can only take us so far. Someone once said that when physicists finally figure out all the answers, it will take a poet to explain it to the world. The author, though not a poet, ends up content to have explained the cosmos to his own satisfaction. Please join him in this enlightening and entertaining journey into the deepest issues of our time.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
matter itself explained Priest reality