Rosings and the Wraith Pride and Prejudice and Witches


Rosings and the Wraith Pride and Prejudice and Witches


299 円 (税抜き)

A wealthy heiress in the grip of a suspicious malady…and the increasingly curious behavior of Mr. Darcy. Lizzy Bennet has her hands full. The implications of marriage, or the lack thereof, have never been more on Lizzy Bennet’s mind. With her sister Jane pining for Bingley in London, Lizzy visits Charlotte at her new home in Kent and finds her friend both settled and settling. But her first glimpse of the reclusive heiress Anne de Bourgh brings mystery crashing delightfully into what might otherwise be a quiet trip. When Mr. Darcy and his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam arrive at Rosings Park, lighthearted Lizzy must begin to face the largest mystery of all ? what is it that she really wants? Lizzy Bennet Ghost Hunter is a series of haunted short stories inspired by Jane Austen’s beloved novel Pride and Prejudice, and by the sort of tall tales best heard among the shadows and wavering glow that surrounds a campfire. Look for the series conclusion Shades of Prejudice Past in summer 2016.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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settled marriage heiress otherwise series