Think. Act. Prosper.


Think. Act. Prosper.


879 円 (税抜き)

The path to success is only achieved through action. What many people struggle with is to understand that success comes from the small things ? those daily habits ? and not just big actions alone. The little details matter. In THINK. ACT. PROSPER. How Small Habits Can Lead to Massive Success a valuable opportunity exists to learn about the qualities of a successful person’s life. It all begins in how one thinks and actsーin all areas of their life. Would you like to achieve the mindset that gives you confidence over fear? Clarity over confusion? Inspiration over ideas, alone? If that sounds good to you, it is no accident that you’ve come across this book. Topics in this book include: ?The importance of answering your “WHY?” ?Integrating visualization into many areas of your life so it is always in motion for you ?What is EQ and why it’s even more important than IQ ?Time management strategies and how to create plans that you do complete ?How to execute on your goals in big, bold, and effective ways ?Building up momentum and keeping it firing in your daily life ?The real meaning of wealth ?Finding the balances that give you a healthy mind, body, and drive ?The necessity of gratitude, appreciation, and good deeds in your life Putting all these things into motion at one time is not only possible, it’s also easier to do than you may have ever believed! The buzz on how this works has people talkingーand reading. Are you ready for massive success? Yes! Then you’re ready to dive into this book and take the 3-day challenge.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
keeping always firing matter massive