How the Grandmas and Grandpas Saved Christmas, Oh No, Not Again. Book Iv


How the Grandmas and Grandpas Saved Christmas, Oh No, Not Again. Book Iv


548 円 (税抜き)

Sleighless Usually, pre-Christmas at Santas workshop is hectic with toy building in full swing, but not this year. Toy production is ahead of schedule and will not need help from the grandmas and the grandpas. Santa rewards the elves with some well-deserved R&R, but rest and relaxation is not agreeable to Ric. He must prove to Santa that the boy elves are superior toy makers and athletes. Ric challenges the girl elves to an assortment of athletic events, and thats when disaster strikes. What, no sleigh to deliver toys and when you think it cant get worse, it does. Santa has a big problem. If you know how to build sleighs, please contact Santa, North Pole. He needs your help.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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