Herself and Molly Olliver And Other Stories


Herself and Molly Olliver And Other Stories


548 円 (税抜き)

In a collection of ten stories, Arnold Rabin shares insight into the behavior, motivations, longings, and fears of diverse characters that include Molly Olliver, a lonely woman with compulsive fears who pursues the man she believes is following her. Mrs. H is a teacher who unexpectedly reunites with a former C student. After her encounter leads to a discussion with her husband, they both begin to wonder if their marriage also falls within the C range. As her fingers dance across the piano keys, Bertha Moran finally finds a devoted lover when she is overcome by the passion of Chopins Grande Valse Brilliant. Margaret Lady is at the end of her days, angry at the years and insulted by the condescending care provided her. Now with a pistol in her possession, will she be able to end life on her own terms or continue to be trapped in her own version of hell? Herself and Molly Olliver tells ten stories that illustrate the struggles and joys of people searching for love and understanding within the complexity of human relationships.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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marriage passion insight Margaret Grande