A Well-Ordered Estate Organizing Your Assets and Paperwork Prior to Estate Planning or Death


A Well-Ordered Estate Organizing Your Assets and Paperwork Prior to Estate Planning or Death


1,560 円 (税抜き)

To those who are cursed or gifted with the burden of wealth, two things are as unchanging as the seasons. First, one is born with death as a sibling. Second, what you own in turn owns you. This book, written by a bar topnotcher and an experienced lawyer in estate planning, will put an end to property problems that afflict those with possessions, great or small. In this sense, the author performs the role of a legal undertaker who makes sure that no one leaves behind property problems together his mortal remains.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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gifted leaves together estate written