Carried: How One Mother’s Trust in God Helped Her through the Unthinkable


Carried: How One Mother’s Trust in God Helped Her through the Unthinkable


2,067 円 (税抜き)

On October 19, 2016, Michelle Schmidt's plane landed in Oregon, where she was meeting her daughter, Annie, for a camping trip. But Annie didn't show up at the airport to pick up her mother as planned. Thus began a season of searching and coming up short, of miracles and frustrations, of love poured out and faith tested, until Annie's body was finally discovered more than three weeks later in the Columbia River Gorge, where she had fallen while hiking. As Annie's mother opens her heart to tell her story, her husband’s story (Jon Schmidt of The Piano Guys), and Annie’s story, she writes: “It is my hope that my journey of being tutored by God to trust Him moreーnot only through the loss of Annie but through some of my most vulnerable and personal past experiencesーwill be the means of bringing strength and hope to anyone suffering at this time.” When the unthinkable happened, Michelle Schmidt made a choice: to trust in God. This remarkable book will give readers the courage and inspiration to make that same choice.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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daughter fallen Columbia unthinkable Michelle