



561 円 (税抜き)

The year is 2061. It’s been four years since the nuclear war that killed eighty percent of the human population and caused worldwide destruction. In a concealed location in Britain, on the floor of a building, patrolled at all times by military figures, live sixteen men who call it their home. The Vault. They rarely leave their living space, they receive little food and have no contact with women. This is just the way life is now. As they plan escapes between themselves, hide secrets from one another, avoid trust and friendships, commit acts of betrayal and deceit, and share their theories on the war and the new world, they are suspicious of each individual and fear there may be a spy among them who is communicating with the guards. Who will be forced to trust whom in order to get their freedom?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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building contact suspicious rarely little