The Keeper of Secrets


The Keeper of Secrets


345 円 (税抜き)

Some secrets can haunt you… Anya Moregan knows many secrets, in fact she is one of a select few who keep the most dangerous secrets in order to protect the world. There is one secret that Anya has kept for a hundred and forty seven years and it has driven her nearly to the point of madness and the brink of destruction. Knowing that she has little time left, Anya turns to the one man who could save her… her husband Thorn Skylin. Some secrets are better left buried… For a hundred and forty-seven years, Thorn has been unable to speak to Anya for more than a few moments due to a curse that she instilled upon him and her family. Far from being angry, Thorn is constantly worried about what drove Anya to such a desperate act and when he finally learns the truth, Thorn is confronted by past events that he has done his very best to forget. Some secret need to be ended… Thorn and Anya both realize that the only way to be free from the secrets that have tortured their very souls is to end them once and for all. However that will not be a simple task, in order to be able to be free, they first must confront an ancient evil and a life shattering event that drove them apart so many years ago. Will they be able to find the strength and courage to overcome the past, or will the pain of it all finally destroy them once and for all?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
destroy confront dangerous forget moments