Develop your skills to become an inquiring learner; ensure you navigate the MYP framework with confidence using a concept-driven and assessment-focused approach to French, presented in global contexts. Has been updated for the revised curriculum from September 2020. - Develop conceptual understanding with key MYP concepts and related concepts at the heart of each chapter. - Learn by asking questions for a statement of inquiry in each chapter. - Prepare for every aspect of assessment using support and tasks designed by experienced educators. - Understand how to extend your learning through research projects and interdisciplinary opportunities. - Think internationally with chapters and concepts set in global contexts Contents Quelle est mon identit? culturelle? Qu'est ce qu'il y a autour de moi? Pourquoi faire la fete? A quoi sert l'?cole? Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger? Tu fais du sport? Quels sont tes loisirs? Suis-je responsible de mon environement? Es-tu curieux? Comment communique-t-on? Es-tu une victim de la consommation? Qu'est-ce qui d?finit nos relations? 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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