Understanding Financial Frauds and Scams


Understanding Financial Frauds and Scams


4,750 円 (税抜き)

Readers get a view behind the gilded doors which will reveal the inner workings of pyramid and Ponzi schemes, telemarketing scams, identity theft, creative accounting, phishing, and other large-scale frauds and scams that impact not only big money investors but cost ordinary working citizens as well. Intriguing historical and current examples of institutional ruinous shell games include Madoff, WorldCom, Enron, and Jon Corzine's MF Global. Most importantly, this book also offers readers expert advice on how to avoid some of the more common frauds perpetrated on consumers and individual investors. A fascinating account of billionaire crooks and their con games, a sobering account of bankrupt victims, and a cautionary tale for all ordinary consumers and investors bring reality to this array of scams. This book captures the full folly, danger, and tragedy of financial frauds and scams. Readers will be fully engaged and encouraged to participate in discussion with 10 Great Questions to Ask an Economics or Finance Teacher and Myths and Facts sections.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Finance common individual pyramid accounting