Tales of the Bend: Four Unique Gender Bender Tales


Tales of the Bend: Four Unique Gender Bender Tales


325 円 (税抜き)

Cum experience four unimaginable, erotic, gender bending tales! A Curious Cure ? When his roommate accidentally gives him food poisoning, the cure might be worse than the illness, but it may come with unexpected ‘benefits’ as well. Pernicious Panties ? A precocious pair of, you guessed it, panties have mysterious gender bending properties and a mind of their own! Godliness is Next to Bendiness ? A man of God finds He works in mysterious, and tempting, ways. Crafting a Queen ? With the power to bend reality itself, who could help but succumb to his will?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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>Pernicious gender poisoning itself reality