Feeling Free a Memoir Freed from Ritualistic Abuse How to Forgive the Unforgivable


Feeling Free a Memoir Freed from Ritualistic Abuse How to Forgive the Unforgivable


548 円 (税抜き)

Sarah Braydon was raised in a village in the middle of farmed country scenesーpristine rolling hills, forests, ponds, wildlife, fields of corn and grains, wide open skies, and raw gravel roads. This village, to a passerby, presented itself as a quaint, whispering place. But underneath the tranquil was a culture of satanic abuse. In Feeling Free, she narrates her story of being sexually, physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually abused as a child and a young teenager. Braydon tells how she freed herself from satanic abuse, discusses her healing journey of recovery, and shares her explorations of how to be resilient in times of great stress and pain. In this memoir, Braydon chronicles how she released the pain and fear that had been locked inside of her for years and how she learned to trust herself and to heal. Her story reveals her discovery of joy, love, and compassion and forgiving the unforgivable. Feeling Free serves as a resource for survivors, relations, for friends, therapists, and the general public.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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grains reveals middle itself Feeling