Tantra The Supreme Understanding


Tantra The Supreme Understanding


2,191 円 (税抜き)

ALL-TIME BESTSELLER: Join one of the most influential spiritual teachers of our time as he explores the mystical wisdom of the Tantra. “Tantra is freedom; freedom from all mind-constructs, from all mind-games; freedom from all structures; freedom from the other. Tantra is space to be.” ーOsho The tradition of Tantra or Tantric Buddhism is known to have existed in India as early as the 5th century AD. In this all-time bestseller, using the contemporary idiom and his own unique blend of wisdom and humor, Osho talks about the mystical insights found in the ancient Tantric writings. He also explores many significant Tantric meditation techniques, demonstrating how they are as relevant to the modern-day seeker as they were to those in earlier times. No matter how complex, obscure, or mystical the subject, Osho always brings his uniquely refreshing perspectiveーintroducing the most difficult concepts to the widest possible audience with irreverent wit and thought-provoking inspiration.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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