Promoting Positive Processes after Trauma


Promoting Positive Processes after Trauma


6,916 円 (税抜き)

Promoting Positive Processes After Trauma targets one of the most damaging effects of trauma, ongoing impairment across the whole of "living." Viewing clients with trauma histories from the perspectives of their shared experiences is the foundation for the application of six strengths and virtues studied by positive psychology: hope, positive emotions, resilience, forgiveness, spirituality and religiosity, and meaning-making. The lived trauma experience of the contributing author illustrates actual means of change Presents foundational information and newest findings from trauma and from positive psychology Covers strengths and virtues that can be directly targeted in treatment or used as ancillary treatment goals Provides further readings suitable for clients and for clinicians Concludes with an integrative exploration of the organization of positive processes and their integration into portfolios. 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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