Berserk Volume 20


Berserk Volume 20


1,679 円 (税抜き)

The Black Swordsman Guts’ former captain and lover, Casca, has been taken by the Holy Iron Chain Knights to the "Tower of Conviction" of the fanatic torturer of the Holy See, Mozgus, who plans to treat the rumored witch to the proper agonies of the damned, but Guts is on his way to rescue Casca and dish out some chastisement of his own on any who get in his way. But forces in the demonic realms are in motion and are being drawn to the torture tower in what may be a prelude to a second Eclipse and an unprecedented release of malign spirits into the world!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FAMILY LIFE & COMICS
rumored release second captain agonies