Diamond Discoveries of a Woman Preacher A Word for Female Clergy and Those Wanting to Understand Them


Diamond Discoveries of a Woman Preacher A Word for Female Clergy and Those Wanting to Understand Them


1,680 円 (税抜き)

If you are eager to learn how to gain greater awareness and understanding about the layers-of-truth and the often hidden facets of being female and clergy, this is the book for you! Discover the diamonds on each page as the author uses humor, wisdom, scriptures, and brief narratives to bring fresh sparkle to topics such as: -hearing a calling from God in a changing and sometimes biased society -balancing busy schedules -living into self-care -embracing forgiveness -being mentored and mentoring others in ministry -networking with male and female clergy colleagues and community leaders -negotiating benefits and salaries -keeping healthy sexual boundaries -maximizing play time with family and friends -learning quick tips for fashion, clothing, hairstyles, and even make-up It is the author's prayer that women in ministry, their families, colleagues, and faith communities will read and then be made more sensitive to the ways that all of us can support each other in our journeys to becoming even more brilliant in God's eyes.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
sometimes colleagues clergy diamonds narratives