La Commedia Sotterranea della Macchina da Scrivere


La Commedia Sotterranea della Macchina da Scrivere


1,087 円 (税抜き)

La Commedia Sotterranea della Macchina da Scrivere is a gathering of verse fragments and collages describing and illustrating the life of the Typewriter Underground, a spontaneous sub-cultural phenomenon that appeared with near simultaneity in a variety of cities and smaller locales across the globe in the late 20th and early 21st Century. The Commedia (commonly referred to as "Felt's First Folio from The Typewriter Underground," a private publication putatively issued by Swizzle Felt, an early participant in the Underground and an avid collector of its ephemera) offers a lively picture of life in this subterranean community. The verse fragments appearing in La Commedia have the quality of the early gospelsーpersonal accounts of authors who lived contemporaneously with the Underground, and were among its early apostles.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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putatively phenomenon lively participant variety