Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook Practical recipes for building cross-platform GUI applications, widgets, and animations with Qt 5, 2nd Edition


Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook Practical recipes for building cross-platform GUI applications, widgets, and animations with Qt 5, 2nd Edition


3,290 円 (税抜き)

Use Qt 5 to design and build functional, appealing, and user-friendly graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for your applications. Key Features Learn to use Qt 5 to design and customize the look and feel of your application Improve the visual quality of an application by using graphics rendering and animation Understand the balance of presentation and web content that will make an application appealing yet functional Book Description With the growing need to develop GUIs for multiple targets and multiple screens, improving the visual quality of your application becomes important so that it stands out from your competitors. With its cross-platform ability and the latest UI paradigms, Qt makes it possible to build intuitive, interactive, and user-friendly user interfaces for your applications. Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook, Second Edition teaches you how to develop functional and appealing user interfaces using the latest version of QT5 and C++. This book will help you learn a variety of topics such as GUI customization and animation, graphics rendering, implementing Google Maps, and more. You will also be taken through advanced concepts like asynchronous programming, event handling using signals and slots, network programming, various aspects of optimizing your application. By the end of the book, you will be confident to design and customize GUI applications that meet your clients' expectations and have an understanding of best practice solutions for common problems. What you will learn Animate GUI elements using Qt5's built-in animation system Draw shapes and 2D images using Qt5's powerful rendering system Implement an industry-standard OpenGL library in your project Build a mobile app that supports touch events and exports it onto devices Parse and extract data from an XML file and present it on your GUI Interact with web content by calling JavaScript functions from C++ Access MySQL and SQLite databases to retrieve data and display it on your GUI Who this book is for This intermediate-level book is designed for those who want to develop software using Qt 5. If you want to improve the visual quality and content presentation of your software application, this book is for you. Prior experience of C++ programming is required.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » COMPUTERS & SCIENCE
-platform programming devices required common