The Rockstar That Stole My Life, Allegedly


The Rockstar That Stole My Life, Allegedly


1,500 円 (税抜き)

When an armed intruder wormed his way into Clare's isolated Pennsylvania farmhouse early one morning, stinking of whiskey, she ended up staring down the barrel of a loaded revolver watching her life flash before her. Terror struck, Clare reflected on her upbringing, youthful rebellion and time spent living in a Children's Home in Scotland. With a history of domestic violence, she coped with post-traumatic stress disorder. The stakes now raised; she grappled to outwit her assailant. Her turning point came following a supernatural angel experience. Backed up by profound signs, Clare was guided on the path to writing her life story. This path led her to a famous shock-rocker with whom she became fascinated. Inspired, she wrote him into her story. In a dark twist of fate, the two met and as she handed him her manuscript, the universe proved that the only thing stranger than fable…is fact.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
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