The Colonial Agents of the British West Indies A Study in Colonial Administration Mainly in the Eighteenth Century


The Colonial Agents of the British West Indies A Study in Colonial Administration Mainly in the Eighteenth Century


7,431 円 (税抜き)

First published in 1924, at the time, this was the first detailed study which attempted to investigate the workings and character of the powerful West Indian interest in London in the eighteenth century. At the centre of this interest stood the Colonial Agent, an office which had come into existence when the West Indian interest was born. Dr. Penson traces its growth from the Restoration era, through the Peace of Paris, when its importance began to decline, to the nineteenth century when the office finally disappeared. It is based on exhaustive research in public and private archives.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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nineteenth growth existence character importance