Guardian Angel


Guardian Angel


330 円 (税抜き)

Once the absolute darling among Heaven’s Elite, and The Boss’s personal favorite, now she was fallen-to the very lowest level of the Angelic Pyramid. Ann finds herself banished to an obscure world, (Earth) lost within the back spirals of an obscure lonely galaxy. When she finds that her new obligation is the newly born Titan, her lost beloved, (Lucifer’s son) Ann realizes, only her estranged Heavenly Father could have arranged the impossible pairing. Clearly, she was being given an opportunity to redeem herself. But with only an infant to guide and her influence at an absolute minimum, saving the angry world, seemingly bent on its own self-righteous suicide, with some of Hell’s most infamous henchmen already poised to make certain the catastrophe occurred; it would prove the toughest challenge in all her eternity. To have the slightest chance of success Ann would need to rigorously redefine her lowly position in ways that had never been tested, or even imagined by other Guardians. ?In ways clearly not sanctioned by the Laws Set in Heaven?by which all Guardians were expected to strictly abide…voluntarily. Nonetheless, to get back Titan, forever, and win a game that none within the Higher Realms thought possible, Ann would take any risk. Despite her present menial rank, should it prove to her advantage, no move was considered out of bounds. Nor would she observe any restrictive rule that hindered her abilities. ?Not until it was finished! After all, Ann was one of the most powerful, savvy angels who ever existed. She was facing an overwhelming onslaught of Hell’s most dangerous players, including Lucifer himself. Every one of them cheated with unscrupulous glee?at every single opportunity. `Why should she have to play so fair and goody-goody all the time?when so much was always at stake? This time it was Titan’s eternal soul. She absolutely had to prevail! So Ann chose to go rogue…as was her impulsive style. It was exactly the type of blatant disregard for the rules that had gotten her into so much trouble in the first place. Good Example: This wouldn’t be Ann’s first visit to Earth. As she well recalled, that last one hadn’t gone so well. BIG With so many of Heaven’ and Hell’s biggest superstars squaring off face to face in this nonstop pulsating, grandiose crucial game, the entire Universal Internet (Collective Conscience) will soon turn its utmost attention on this rare pairings spectacle. Out little speck of a planet is about to become the next hot trending topic? for the entire Cosmos.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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always cheated catastrophe little lowest