The Practical Caregiver's Workbook: Strengthening the Patient-Caregiver Bond The Practical Caregiver's Workbook, #1


The Practical Caregiver's Workbook: Strengthening the Patient-Caregiver Bond The Practical Caregiver's Workbook, #1


350 円 (税抜き)

The bond between patient and caregiver is an important one. If your loved one is struggling with a serious illness, there are ways that you can work together as a team to make sure that each of you is able to be as active and engaged as possible. This helps to reduce the stress and frustrations in your relationship, improve your ability to communicate effectively with each other, and avoid unnecessary complications that could knock you both off-track.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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together caregiver between patient possible