Alateeka Protection Services: Theirs to Hold & Theirs to Find


Alateeka Protection Services: Theirs to Hold & Theirs to Find


319 円 (税抜き)

THEIRS TO HOLD He was sent to welcome them to the neighborhood... Breaking into their home wasn't part of his assignment, and his bosses at Alateeka Protection Services will be horrified when they learn that he entered a private home while two vampires slept. It isn't even close to his usual sensible behavior, but there's just something about these two men that calls to him. Zackary and Elijah have been a couple for fifteen decades. Waking to find a werewolf in their home is a shock, yet learning that he's a mate to both of them is a sweet, sexy surprise. But when they realize Nicholas is in danger, they move to protect him. The rest of the paranormal community might believe vampires are helpless and weak, but with Nicholas's life being threatened, his attackers are about to learn just how strong older vampires really are. THEIRS TO FIND Kelby is just glad to have his man back. Nearly twelve months ago Eric had disappeared and despite the unbelievable stories he returned with, there's no way Kelby will let Eric try to find an explanation alone. He silently vows to stay close as Eric searches for answers on what happened to him after being abducted. Eric knows the doctors think he's crazy, but he just can't shake the notion that what he remembers is absolutely real. Werewolves do exist, and he knows the name and whereabouts of the man who can prove it. Holden is doing his job, trying to monitor the fallout and potential problems that might occur after rescuing a young werewolf from human experimentation and returning her to her pack. He didn't count on the woman attacking and biting him, or the sudden illness that persists despite his ability to selfheal. When two humans find himーmen his wolf side tells him are his matesーhe's unable to refuse their assistance, but when Eric and Kelby explain why they've been following him, Holden is left questioning everything he thought he knew. Can Holden help Eric and Kelby find answers when he's no longer sure what the truth actually is?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
Holden longer Alateeka illness Elijah