Examining Airplane Crashes


Examining Airplane Crashes


3,225 円 (税抜き)

Bad things can happen to people through no fault of their own?as those harmed recently by hurricanes Harvey and Irma know all too well. Whether natural or manmade, disasters have long enthralled young readers. Examining Disasters, a well-reviewed series of eight books from Clara House Books, an imprint of The Oliver Press, explores the science behind disasters. What, for example, causes airplanes to fall from the sky, or bridges to collapse, or ships to sink? For explanations, we must look to physics. It is through the study of geology that we learn how earthquakes occur. Pandemics, such as SARS or the outbreak of Ebola, affect the lives of millions. Biology, and microbiology in particular, holds the answers to how diseases are spread and how they may be prevented. Colorfully illustrated and attractively designed, Examining Disasters will grab the attention of young readers while providing the basis of scientific inquiry that the core curriculum demands.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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explanations causes series imprint Colorfully