You, Me and Montessori What Every Child Deserves


You, Me and Montessori What Every Child Deserves


548 円 (税抜き)

This is a Montessori book like no other. It takes the two extreme ends of the world of Montessorian pedagogy and bring them into sync with a refreshed unity of purposeーexploring how to best educate the whole child. The theoretical chapters are comprehensive and profound, only to be challenged and tested by the numerous case studies, practical applications, and teacher reflections. Though the former is not age-specific, the practical experiences cover the kindergarten age groups. You, Me and Montessori is an excellent handbook for the student teacher, a great guide for the practicing teacher, and a got-to-have resource for the Montessori parent.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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studies Montessori -specific tested excellent