Siege of Knox-Vegas


Siege of Knox-Vegas


548 円 (税抜き)

This is the story of a group of ordinary young people who matriculated on the campus a typical historically Black college that is situated in the heart of an average poverty stricken neighborhood. These youngsters hail from the urban core of several American cities where crime, drugs and violence is common. However, the accomplishments of these students would be uncommon, above average and extraordinary. They united to achieve success socially, financially, spiritually on an astonishing level. There are many life lessons, humorous anecdotes, entertaining episodes and shameful acts in this version of accounts that took place in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. The authors hope that the reader would draw the following message from the time invested in combing through the pages of this book: The youth (then and now) are capable of accomplishing greatness, when they focus their energy and collectively strive toward a common interest. There have been many stories embellished in barbershop, books written and fictionalized, movies and videos documenting the escapades of delinquent youth brought up in urban areas across America. The intent of this work is not intended to glamorize the dope game or to write another inner-city drug kingpin saga. The market is already saturated with that story. Instead, The Siege endeavors to address the unique situations, challenges and opportunities that young adults face when leaving their home town to “attend college.” More specifically, attending a historically black college or university in the southern United States. However, mentioning the “students” involvement with drugs, violence, poverty, gun-play, self-preservation, greed, death and incarceration is unavoidable. The story cannot be properly conveyed without incorporating these issues that plague African American communities across the nation and abroad. So prepare yourself to be exposed to an unadulterated excerpt of what a group of ordinary young people experienced in becoming Men. The authors hope and pray that you enjoy. The interpretation of these events that are based on truth.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
violence financially common astonishing university