



203 円 (税抜き)

The novel, "Animus," is an innovating and experimental work of fiction. Its protagonist, presumably the writer of the story in the novel, called Shawn, also known as the "First," and other times the "Writer," is dealing with the loss of his wife, Mae, whom was murdered after her affair with Shawn’s best friend and rival, James. Shawn lives three worlds. One, is of the "Writer," whom spends time in his attic drinking alcohol, writing stories, unable to finish a single story, nor is he able to fully develop his characters. He undergoes of mental illness, displays actions that are violent, obsessive, and manic. Second, is his persona and the character known as the "First," who signifies the "Writer’s" first character he attempted to develop. The "First" is a character with a life of his own, along with the "Other," a persona and character after Shawn’s best friend and rival, James. Both characters decide they don’t enjoy their existence… the underdevelopment in character and the stories the "Writer" uses them in, decide to write there own stories as an attempt to develop their personal character’s and stories participate in, but the process they will discover whom each other truly is… secrets, and deceit. Third are the stories written of Shawn, by the "Writer," as well as by the "First," "the Other," and by Mae, through the "Writer." In these, Shawn’s life will be explained before and after Mae’s death, and the life he lived after, on a mission the discover Mae’s killer, along with the mysterious Irene, whom Shawn has a past connection to. Shawn’s time with Irene is full of chaos, confusion, and mystery… love and hate. Throughout, readers will learn of Mae’s life after death… James’ longtime obsession with Mae, and his ultimate betrayal… and Irene’s true motive. Animus is an experimental novel that is not genre oriented but begins as if it is fantasy (although it will be clear it is not a fantasy novel), and quickly changes to what appears a mystery (not genre Mystery), but in a literary context. The story is experimental, unique style and formatting, challenges traditional storytelling, but is not difficult to follow. It is a story about these character’s struggles with each other, their selves… truth and denial, seeking every excuse to self-justify their actions while attempting to stay compassionate, until it reaches its shocking conclusion.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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worlds Mystery signifies unique explained