The Curse of Wihtlea Barrows The Merryweathers Mysteries, #1


The Curse of Wihtlea Barrows The Merryweathers Mysteries, #1


350 円 (税抜き)

Ten-year-old Sam Jones is on holiday with his Gran. But all she wants to do is bake cakes and help out at the cat sanctuary. Her cottage doesn't even have Wi-Fi. Duh! But when she gets a cry for help from her old village, everything changes. Something very bad is happening in Wihtlea Barrows. And, according to Gran, only her cunning can fix it. It's not exactly the holiday Sam had planned. But what he's about to find out about his grandmother and what she can do with a charmed cherry Bakewell, will turn his world upside down. The Curse of Wihtlea Barrows is a spine chilling story about a young boy and his more-than-meets-the-eye grandmother, full of adventure, warmth, mystery and humour. If you like Neil Gaiman's Coraline and all of Roald Dahl, you'll LOVE this first book in the Merryweathers Mysteries series.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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