Police Use of Excessive Force against African Americans Historical Antecedents and Community Perceptions


Police Use of Excessive Force against African Americans Historical Antecedents and Community Perceptions


6,488 円 (税抜き)

Robertson and Chaney examine how the early antecedents of police brutality like plantation overseers, the lynching of African American males, early race riots, the Rodney King incident, and the Los Angeles Rampart Scandal have directly impacted the current relationship between communities of color and police. Using a phenomenological framework, they analyze how African American college students perceive police to determine how race, gender, and education create different realities among a demographic. Based on their qualitative and quantitative findings, Robertson and Chaney offer recommended policies and strategies for police and communities to improve relationships and perceptions between the two.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Robertson >Robertson plantation analyze between