



265 円 (税抜き)

Sold by her mother at the age of twelve to a sexual predator. Raped repeatedly and pregnant at thirteen, Lexi holds on to the dream of escaping and reuniting with her father. Finally located by her father and the police, Lexi’s tormentor is killed. But the abuse she suffered causes Lexi to lose the baby. Her father and his youngest adopted brother, Zeth, nurture her through her recovery. Zeth, who has always viewed children as annoying, is overwhelmed by his need to protect Lexi at all costs. He submerges his feelings and concentrates on helping Lexi heal. Emotionally scarred, Lexi struggles, but is determined to live a normal life. But the only way she can live free from fear is to build up her courage and testify against her mother, who is sent to prison. As the years pass, Lexi's feelings grow beyond seeing Zeth as just a friend and protector. Zeth's desire to protect her gradually grows into love. After Lexi graduates from high school they begin dating and six months later, they marry. With Zeth, Lexi learns that not all men are predators. Zeth teaches Lexi to enjoy sex. A year later, Lexi is pregnant. While serving her sentence, Lexi's mother's anger has festered into hate and a desire for revenge. With Lexi’s baby due any day, her mother is paroled from prison and returns to murder her.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against brother always school predators