Funny Face! An Amusing History of Potato Heads, Block Heads, and Magic Whiskers


Funny Face! An Amusing History of Potato Heads, Block Heads, and Magic Whiskers


2,189 円 (税抜き)

The spud everybody loves to play with is turning 50 years old! Mr. Potato Head has delighted generations of children and now everyone can have a detailed look at the exciting history of the toy potato that has fascinated the world for half a century. This colorful book follows Mr. Potato Head from his birth in 1952 at the hands of Hassenfeld Bros., to the addition of Mrs. Potato Head and all the variations on the original, including the Jumpin1 Mr. Potato Head and the Toy Story version. Funny Face also highlights the pop culture aspect of the popular toy, including the toy premiums and other marketing items, such as Mr. Potato Head Ice Pops and the Potato Head Game that sprouted from its popularity.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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