The Safecracker


The Safecracker


1,072 円 (税抜き)

2020 American Fiction Awards finalist for best Legal Thriller A new lawyer. A safecracker client. A gang of well-heeled enemies out to silence them. “Award-winning author, Jim Garrison delivers a smart, multi-layered plot in the legal thriller, The Safecracker.” **ーJOHNNIE BERNHARD, AUTHOR OF A GOOD GIRL, HOW WE CAME TO BE, AND SISTERS OF THE UNDERTOW Idealistic young lawyer Patricia Egan has a housemate she doesn’t like and a client she doesn’t wantーa professional safecracker who seems far removed from the well-heeled civil clients her firm has been representing. But the safecracker and her former clients are closely linked in their respective criminal enterprises, something they want no one to discover, certainly not Patricia or her fellow lawyer and housemate, Jack Alexander. There’s a string of dead and maimed to prove it.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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>Idealistic silence Safecracker certainly author