Allowances and Limits in Sexual Intimacies Before Marriage The Raw Book on Conducts in Premarital Relationships


Allowances and Limits in Sexual Intimacies Before Marriage The Raw Book on Conducts in Premarital Relationships


323 円 (税抜き)

Does the Bible limit the amount and kind of intimacy that men and women should have before marriage? If so, what are these limits? And if there are limits, are there allowances in the expression and development of intimacies in relationships before marriage? What intimacies can we freely engage in and express in a premarital relationship and where in the WORD of God can these permissible and recommended intimate allowances be found? This book was written to provide you with raw answers and examples to the above questions. Plus... You would also discover Answers to the question: We Are Engaged: Can We Cohabit Before Marriage? A whole section is dedicated to revealing the power in the Use of Seductive Words in Premarital Relationships, what seductive words are and how the devil uses it subtly to get couples to commit sexual immorality outside the confines of marriage. You will also learn to discern when seductive words are being deployed by the devil through your partner to get you to commit sexual immorality or do wrong You will also discover how to control immoral and unclean “FLASH PICTURES” of the mind, the platform for every temptation: understanding the bait and how to overcome them in your premarital relationship so as not to commit sexual immorality, and finally, you will discover God’s recommendation for the unmarried who are burning with sexual passion and desire The book is raw and hides nothing. Get your copy now!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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limits freely marriage dedicated passion