Big Vision, Small Business 4 Keys to Success without Growing Big


Big Vision, Small Business 4 Keys to Success without Growing Big


2,320 円 (税抜き)

While most of the business world worships size and constant growth, Big Vision, Small Business celebrates the artーand powerーof small. Based on interviews with more than seventy small-business owners and on her own experiences as a successful small-business entrepreneur, Jamie Walters shows how a business can stay small and remain vital, healthy, and rewarding. If you long to run a successful, socially conscious enterprise as one element of a fulfilling personal life, Big Vision, Small Business shows you how. Covering growth options and small-enterprise advantages, inspired visioning, communication, and right-relationship, mindset issues and expectation management, and wisdom and mastery practices, Big Vision, Small Business is a must-read for every entrepreneur and futurist. Walters defines for keys essential to creating a small business with a big vision: ? Creating alternatives to the dominant definition of "growth ? Learning the art of visioning big ? Creating "right relationships" with employees, customers, and others ? Overcoming the common stumbling blocks, such as money, risk, competition, and success.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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element employees Overcoming common futurist