7 Rules for Positive, Productive Change Micro Shifts, Macro Results


7 Rules for Positive, Productive Change Micro Shifts, Macro Results


3,225 円 (税抜き)

Change is difficult but essentialーEsther Derby offers seven guidelines for change by attraction, an approach that draws people into the process so that instead of resisting change, they embrace it. Even if you don't have change management in your job description, your job involves change. Change is a given as modern organizations respond to market and technology advances, make improvements, and evolve practices to meet new challenges. This is not a simple process on any level. Often, there is no indisputable right answer, and responding requires trial and error, learning and unlearning. Whatever you choose to do, it will interact with existing policies and structures in unpredictable ways. And there is, quite simply, a natural human resistance to being told to change. Rather than creating more rigorous preconceived plans or imposing change by decree, agile software developer turned organizational change expert Esther Derby offers change by attraction, an approach that is adaptive and responsive and engages people in learning, evolving, and owning the new way. Shepresents a set of seven heuristicsーguides to problem-solvingーthat empower people to achieve outcomes within broad constraints using their personal ingenuity and creativity. When you work by attraction, you give space and support for people to feel the loss that comes with change and help them see what is valuable about the future you propose. Resistance fades because people feel there is nothing to push againstーonly something they want to move toward. Derby's approach clears the fog to provide a new way forward that honors people and creates safety for change.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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