The Mummies of the Reich A nerve-shredding mystery with a dramatic twist


The Mummies of the Reich A nerve-shredding mystery with a dramatic twist


425 円 (税抜き)

Nothing can prepare them for what lies at the end of their journey... When a 1000-year-old crucifix is discovered around the neck of a 500-year-old mummy, Brandon Walker once more calls on the expertise of India Summers to solve the mystery. Within days they discover that there is far more to this than a hoax and it soon becomes clear that the crucifix links back to Hitler’s SS. Ultimately, what they find is not only a cover-up of global proportions and the tragic aftermath of a long-forgotten battle, but a group of dangerous men seeking the most powerful and dangerous artefact of all time, known simply as the Icon. A pulse-pounding conspiracy thriller with a twist you won’t see coming, perfect for fans of Dan Brown, Scott Mariani and Chris Kuzneski.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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dangerous perfect proportions conspiracy Walker