The Practical Guide to Documentary Editing Techniques for TV and Film


The Practical Guide to Documentary Editing Techniques for TV and Film


8,400 円 (税抜き)

The Practical Guide to Documentary Editing sets out the techniques, the systems and the craft required to edit compelling professional documentary television and film. Working stage by stage through the postproduction process, author Sam Billinge explores project organization, assembling rushes, sequence editing, story structure, music and sound design, and the defining relationship between editor and director. Written by a working documentary editor with over a decade’s worth of experience cutting films for major British and international broadcasters, The Practical Guide to Documentary Editing offers a unique introduction to the craft of documentary editing, and provides working and aspiring editors with the tools to master their craft in the innovative and fast-paced world of contemporary nonfiction television and film.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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assembling required project offers decade