Someday I Will Write An Uncommon Journey to Finding Time to Tell Your Stories, Finish Your Book, and Fulfill Your Dream


Someday I Will Write An Uncommon Journey to Finding Time to Tell Your Stories, Finish Your Book, and Fulfill Your Dream


1,067 円 (税抜き)

YOU DO HAVE A STORY TO TELL, BUT WHERE AND HOW DO YOU BEGIN? Studies show that 82% of the population dreams of someday writing a book. Sadly, many people die with their story still inside them. The secret to getting started is simply beginning with what you have. Ten years ago, author Debra Irene began telling stories about everyday lifeーthe past and the present. In Someday I Will Write, Debra brings these stories together for readers to find hope along life’s journey and for writers to find strength in their writing quest. From a brief vignette or poem of 150 words to a dialogued short story of 2000 words, you will discover how different genres create powerful images in the mind of the reader. Your stories and the topics will be different, but finding time to tell what is on your heart is the key. In this book, you will discover how to: tell your stories with passion and authenticity, finish your book amidst the distractions of life, and fulfill your dream and impact lives. MAKE YOUR SOMEDAY TODAY!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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