The Reinventionist Mindset: Learning to Love Change, and the Human How of Doing It Brilliantly


The Reinventionist Mindset: Learning to Love Change, and the Human How of Doing It Brilliantly


1,088 円 (税抜き)

How do you thrive in the era of disruption? Reinvent.Change is everywhere and coming for us fast. This isn’t breaking news. Yet despite knowing thisーseeing the impact on our businesses and livelihoodsーour human instinct is to resist. Instead of choosing change, we choose the status quo and ride it off a cliff.It needn’t be this way. What if we could see change as good? In The Reinventionist Mindset, business transformation expert Joe Jackman repositions change as a force to be embraced. Raised in a time of civil disruptionーhimself transformed from designer to executive and ultimately ReinventionistーJackman has catalyzed some of the most remarkable transformations of the 21st century. In this book, he gives readers the rare opportunity to go behind the scenes and learn the human how of kickstarting growth and relevance: Dave & Busters, from down and nearly out to spectacular IPO; the surprising reinvention of a New York institution, what Bloomberg Business Week called “Duane Reade’s Miracle Makeover”; Flow Water, a bold new take on a tired category; and the exciting reemergence of Staples. Jackman reveals the secret sauce of successful reinvention alongside analysis of transformations that failed.The Reinventionist Mindset is a unique, human-centric approach to transformation, a how to for those on a journey to their most powerful and keenly aware the time to move is now.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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keenly called growth choosing secret