從「尊明」到「奉清」──朝鮮王朝對清意識之?變,1627-1910 From "Honoring the Ming" to "Submitting to the Qing" : The Transformation ofChos?n Korea's Attitude towards Qing China, 1627-1910


從「尊明」到「奉清」──朝鮮王朝對清意識之?變,1627-1910 From "Honoring the Ming" to "Submitting to the Qing" : The Transformation ofChos?n Korea's Attitude towards Qing China, 1627-1910


2,881 円 (税抜き)

一部近三百年的清韓宗藩關係史, 正是朝鮮王朝由「尊明貶清」到「尊明奉清」的演變史。 西元1637年,?經南漢山城盟約之後,朝鮮成為清朝的藩國,雙方關係被視為「典型的朝貢關係」。但秉承「尊華攘夷」儒家觀念的朝鮮,在明、清朝代更迭中表現得非常強烈,只認同明朝為中華,把清朝視作夷狄,且自稱「小中華」。這種思想的交鋒如何影響朝鮮對清朝的態度?以及,朝鮮又如何在「北學派」興起後,逐?改變對清朝的看法? 本書是作者十餘年來清代中朝關係史研究的薈萃之作。全書分上、下兩編。上編八章,將政治史、思想史與外交史結合起來,選取一些關鍵性專題,如「小中華」思想、箕子崇拜、關王廟、「復讎雪恥」理念、丁未漂流人事件等,共時性地?示了朝鮮對清觀由「尊明貶清」到「尊明奉清」的演變。 下編六章,以朝鮮燕行使洪大容、「北學派」人士 、洪良浩、李尚迪、朴珪壽、金允植等與清人交往的情況,?時性地考察朝鮮對清觀的?變。在思想觀念上,儘管朝鮮長期堅守「尊明」理念;隨著現實的變化,朝鮮漸漸將「貶清」變成了「奉清」,近代仰仗清朝去對抗西方與日本的侵擾,正是典型的體現。 The book, which embodies a deeply-researched discourse on the history of Sino-Korean relations in the Qing Dynasty, consists of two parts. Part I, which has eight chapters and combines political history, intellectual history, diplomatic history, and some other key topics such as the concept of Little China, Kijia worship, Guanwang Temple, the ideology of taking revenge for the insult, discusses the evolution of Chos?n Korean’s attitudes towards Qing dynasty from honoring the Ming to submitting to the Qing. Part II of the book, consisting of six chapters, focuses on Korea’s gradually changing attitude towards Qing China through examining the contacts of Korean envoys to Beijing (Hong Dae-yong, the members of Pukhakka, Hong Yang-ho, Yi Sang-j?k, Pak Kyu-su, and Kim Yun-sik) with the Qing people. In terms of ideology, although Chos?n Korea had long since adhered to the concept of “Honoring the Ming”, in reality it gradually turned the idea of despising the Qing into one of submitting to the Qing since it had to rely on Qing China to resist the intrusion of the West and Japan. This change in ideology was a reflection of the changed reality.
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reflection consists changed envoys despising