Acquired Tastes


Acquired Tastes


657 円 (税抜き)

He made promises to give support and respect... He chose a group of men to be brothers, and created bonds as strong as blood ties... What happens when oaths sworn as a teenager are resurrected a decade later? Lee Sutton is working his way through his PhD at a new college, his old life left behind years ago. He's become independent, solitary and driven toward impending success. When he finds that one of his closest neighbors is a member of the same secret society Lee once belonged to, Lee's life is thrown into disarray at exactly the wrong moment, and he has to face new choices, weighted against the past. Dr. Joey Reed is a successful chemist, an outgoing and enthusiastically cheerful man who proceeds to worm his way into Lee's life, believing them to be long lost brothers, dear to each other simply because they chose to be, years before they met. Is it possible that vows made as a freshman can guide the life of a doctoral candidate toward happiness? Lee and Joey are only beginning to find out when the past is brought to the fore, taking them back to the college and home they'd once shared with a family they'd chosen.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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