Modern Ascension Stories From the Spiritual Paths of High Initiates


Modern Ascension Stories From the Spiritual Paths of High Initiates


1,602 円 (税抜き)

Thirteen peopleーof different ages, from different parts of the world, with different backgrounds, pursuing different careers, on different life pathsーall experienced an inner knowing that led to the Alpha Imaging website, which finally elucidated what they were each being called upon to doーto Ascend. Through the guidance of the Ascended Masters, Angels, Cosmic Beings, gurus, shamans, and the keepers of the Ascended Masters portal in New Zealand, their Ascension journeys have rapidly evolved in a modern world, allowing each of them to systematically clear their karma; leave the cycle of rebirth in a single lifetime; and connect with their Higher Selves in service to all of humanity and the entire planet. Here are their stories, recorded in their own authentic words. Have you ever questioned whether there was more to mundane life than meets the eye? Whether there was a proven path to enlightenment, unity, heightened consciousness, higher purpose, Higher Self? These thirteen high initiates demystify this path by presenting the modern, methodical, perceptible Ascension system that successfully worked for them, and that is openly accessible to anyone seeking it. Through the sharing of their unique and personal life stories, an attainable, clear-cut spiritual path is revealed that no longer requires the asceticism and isolation of ancient days of old, aided both by Beings of higher realms as well as a community of fellow human initiates who seek to support and love you along your ascent. Open your heart and mind to a new spiritual paradigm that encompasses the most important purpose of your existence. The opportunity to free yourself from rebirth and embody your Higher Self exists right now, and all life in our cosmos will experience the positive ripple effect of your Modern Ascension journey.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
entire longer backgrounds rebirth called