We all love our mothers. And our mothers love us back. There is little more unconditional love than that which a mother gives. Mothers love their disobedient and even criminal sons. In their mind, they can do no wrong. Mothers want to protect their children, usually more than they want to protect themselves. Are there mothers so determined to protect their sons from the risks and dangers that the wide world presents, that they would choose an astonishing solution? Would such a mother be willing to take her son and regress him back to infancy, back to a life of no cares, no worries and and no responsibilities? Such a world would pose far fewer risks to a teenage boy on the cusp of adulthood than venturing out on his own. Amanda is such a woman. Her son is about to strike out on his own and he is woefully unprepared. He is small for his age, immature and ignorant of the dangers outside his home. And so she takes on the challenge of turning Daniel back into a baby. And she has one obvious entry point. Daniel had wet his bed until only a few years prior. It would be easy to start that process again and then, the solution was obvious. Nappies and Plastic pants. The rest would follow on. 41,000 words.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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