Departures on the House How Retirements, Redistricting and Scandal Yielded a Near-Postwar Record of House Members Exiting in 1992


Departures on the House How Retirements, Redistricting and Scandal Yielded a Near-Postwar Record of House Members Exiting in 1992


548 円 (税抜き)

The word “change” stormed onto the political lexicon in 1992 when Democratic Presidential nominee Bill Clinton aimed to deny George H.W. Bush a second term. Often overlooked, however, is that “change” also caused a ruckus in Congress. Redistricting, a check overdraft scandal that consumed the chamber and overall frustration with the system produced a wild and woolly year that sent 110 House members into retirement or defeat. Departures On The House portrays comprehensive biographies of each of those members.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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defeat Presidential nominee overlooked second