The Crime in Cumberland Court A Philip Tolefree Mystery


The Crime in Cumberland Court A Philip Tolefree Mystery


206 円 (税抜き)

When Broadall the merchant banker fails to appear at his office in Cumberland Court, his confidential clerk calls on Philip Tolefree to investigate the disappearance with the minimum of publicity. Breaking into Broadall's London residence, Tolefree finds that there is a very good reason that the banker banker hasn't shown up for work - he has been strangled during the night. Flitting between the City of London and Broadall's country house, Monks Corner, Tolefree sets to work to discover whether the culprit was an opportunistic burglar, or someone with a more personal grudge. Originally published in 1936, this is a vintage murder mystery from the golden age of crime fiction.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Breaking Corner banker between Broadall