Constelleanor Chronicles L2


Constelleanor Chronicles L2


399 円 (税抜き)

Constelleanor Chronicles (Ebook) L2 "It's a fascinating piece of work and honestly probably one of the most creative I've seen in a long time." M Rowley, editor. This is a work of various fictions, science- and non-. It does not follow all the rules of creative writing, it breaches narration codes, it subverts words, it may even subvert you. Please read at your own peril. A Beast controlling human energies. A heretic ship. The forbidden doors of the universe opening as a new cycle begins. It isn't just about good and evil or light and darkness. It is all about structure and life forces and their immutable fight in sentient history. And how they fashion the human past and future.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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