The Telephone An Account of the Phenomena of Electricity, Magnetism, and Sound, as Involved in Its Action


The Telephone An Account of the Phenomena of Electricity, Magnetism, and Sound, as Involved in Its Action


310 円 (税抜き)

In A. E. Dolbear's seminal work, 'The Telephone,' readers are taken on a journey through the invention and development of this groundbreaking communication device. Dolbear meticulously explores the technical aspects of the invention along with its societal impact, making this book a must-read for both scholars of technology and social historians. Written in a clear and concise style, Dolbear's book is a testament to his expertise in the subject matter and his ability to communicate complex ideas to a wide audience. Set in the late 19th century, 'The Telephone' is a significant contribution to the literature on the history of communication technology, shedding light on an invention that revolutionized human interaction. A. E. Dolbear, a renowned inventor and physicist, draws on his own experiences and expertise in the field to provide readers with a comprehensive and insightful analysis of the telephone's evolution. His meticulous research and attention to detail make 'The Telephone' a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of technology and its impact on society. I highly recommend this book to readers looking to deepen their understanding of the role of communication technology in shaping the modern world.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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