History of the Post-Office Packet Service between the years 1793-1815 Compiled from Records, Chiefly Official


History of the Post-Office Packet Service between the years 1793-1815 Compiled from Records, Chiefly Official


310 円 (税抜き)

Arthur H. Norway's 'History of the Post-Office Packet Service between the years 1793-1815' is a meticulously researched and detailed account of the evolution of the postal service during a crucial period in British history. Through his scholarly analysis, Norway delves into the economic, political, and social factors that influenced the development of the post-office packet service, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of its significance in facilitating communication and trade during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. His narrative is presented in a clear and engaging manner, making it accessible to both academic researchers and history enthusiasts alike. Norway's work is a valuable contribution to the historical literature of the postal system, shedding light on a lesser-known aspect of transportation history. Arthur H. Norway's expertise in archival research and passion for British postal history are evident in his compelling 'History of the Post-Office Packet Service between the years 1793-1815'. This book is highly recommended for readers interested in the intersection of communication networks, commerce, and state-building in the early modern period.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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