Christian Devotedness Living a Sacrificial and Selfless Christian Life of Faith


Christian Devotedness Living a Sacrificial and Selfless Christian Life of Faith


310 円 (税抜き)

In 'Christian Devotedness' by Anthony Norris Groves, the author explores the concept of true Christian living and challenges readers to break free from materialism and self-centeredness. Written in a clear and practical style, the book provides insights on how to live a life devoted to following the teachings of Jesus Christ. Groves emphasizes the importance of sacrificial giving and selflessness as key components of a truly devout Christian life. Set in the context of 19th-century England, the book reflects the author's deep spiritual convictions and commitment to a simple, humble existence rooted in faith. This timeless work continues to inspire readers to reevaluate their priorities and strive for a more meaningful and impactful way of life. Anthony Norris Groves, a missionary and pioneer of the Plymouth Brethren movement, wrote 'Christian Devotedness' based on his experiences and observations of the Christian community around him. His own dedication to living a life of faith and service undoubtedly influenced the content and tone of the book. For readers seeking a thought-provoking and spiritually enriching read, 'Christian Devotedness' comes highly recommended as a guide to living a more devoted and purposeful Christian life.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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priorities impactful rooted inspire highly